While I was running my “Name the Phase” contest, My blog and I celebrated Our 3rd Anniversary!!! A LOT has happened over the past three (3) months. It really doesn’t seem like it has been 3 months.
So let’s go back a little further and recap what has happened….
- I wrote down my dream for Order Your Steps in August, 2010.
- I made it official when I registered the name of my new business / ministry in Sept., 2011
- I applied for early retirement from Xerox in Nov., 2011 (based on a buy-out that was offered that I became eligible for on Sept. 20th of the same year!)
- I officially retired on December 30, 2011, after 32 years with Xerox.
- I wrote my first blog post on January 10, 2012
Believe it or not, I was not a social networker (is that the correct term?), I didn’t even have a Facebook account until last year. But I now have a Facebook page (with the help of my daughter). Please stop by and take a look and I hope you “LIKE” it. I have Facebook fans from all over the US. I have a new website and a blog, which is my favorite. I had always said that at some point I would write a book about my life (kinda jokingly) and I am sure that this is the closest that I will get at the moment. But I was reminded after I read another blog, that my life is now open for the entire world to see. People from many different countries have read about me. Places like UK, New Zealand, Australia, etc. I have exceeded 1700 hits, which is a LOT for me. My daughters have a blog, The Junoesque and they have about 6 times as many hits for the same timeframe, but I don’t care…LOL!! After the first few weeks, I must admit that I wasn’t sure if I had an audience, but for true, it really didn’t matter. This was for me and I am truly, truly enjoying writing my posts. I have almost 90 blog followers and I have over 100 Likes…. AWESOME!
I started my blog by sharing just a few tidbits of my Order & Chaos in Corporate America. Now, three (3) months later, the favorite post was “Life Lesson”. Xerox has been such a HUGE part of my life. Then I transitioned into Life after Xerox and “Order Your Steps”, the order out of chaos, into the world of organization. Your favorite “Organizing” post was “Thought from a Cluttered Mind”. For some, I am still trying to get everyone (men & women) to grasp the concept that disorder, clutter, being unorganized, etc…. does create stress, added fatigue and frustration to our lives every day. But I am going to keep working at it!

By any chance, do you know this person? ….. Where did all this junk come from?
I need a change quick! Will organizing my closet really change my life?
I am so stressed!
I am Living My Dream, doing something that comes natural to me … organizing is my gift and my passion. I have an opportunity each and every day to help people to actually change their lives.
This has been quite a journey so far and it has only just begun!

Way to go! LOL I love where you mention you are not a social networker… And I am not sure if that what it called either! =P But it is awesome to do what you love and love doing it! Have a great week!
Thank you so much!!! You have a great week also….
I wish you lived near me!! I definitely need to de-clutter! It’s actually one of my current goals, but unfortunately, I seem to run out of time and it is the first thing to get pushed aside! Hopefully after these next two weeks are over, I can revisit your post and get back at it. Thanks for the reminder of just how important it is be be organized 🙂
I glad that I could give you a little motivation. Let me know when you get started and I will be glad to help “virtually”….
Congrats!! I look forward to many many more…. including the “guilt trip” I mean motivation…. LOL
Thank you! (excuse my manners)
Good thing you are an organizer vs Ms Manners… LOL (just kidding, but you did set me up) 😀
Thank you for liking one of my posts at http://threedailydelights.wordpress.com/; I really appreciate it! 🙂
of course!! 🙂
I just had to do this… I have nominated your wonderful blog for the Liebster Blog Award. Please click here to accept this award:
It’s almost Friday… hope all is well =)
Oh My God! Are you serious?? I don’t know what to say…. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! 🙂
P.S. My Friday came early.
You are welcome my dear new friend!
Question: How do you find out how many followers a blog has if they don’t publish it??
I didn’t know how many followers each blog had so I looked at the newer blogs. It made sense to me that those would not have a higher blog following… yet 😉
Cool! Thanks…