I am simply overwhelmed by how far my little blog has come in such a short period of time. I hit an all-time high of “86 hits” on 4/13 (not sure why) and things have really taken off since then by my definition…. and now my friend, Beckie, over at CuzIsaidSo has nominated me for Versatile Blogger!! This again is truly an honor to be recognized by one of your fellow blogger, who simply enjoys what you write. Thanks so much, CuzIsaidSo. By the way, Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Not sure how I missed it. I must be behind on my reading again. 🙂
Now seven (7) random unknown facts:
1. I was the tallest person in my first grade class, I believe that included the teacher. My dad came home and laughingly shared that fascinating fact with my mom (in my presence)….
2. When I was maybe 8 or 9, I was mugged for my Halloween candy. Two teenager boys simply knocked me down and made me scratch my knee. sob!
3. In my much younger days, I wanted to skydive…. Luckily I came to my senses before it was too late. My husband often says that he just doesn’t understand why anyone would want to jump out of a perfectly good plane.
4. By the way, my husband is 6’8″, which is why we have 6’3′ and 6’4″ tall daughters, respectively. Thus, The Junoesque Blog!
5. I love murder mysteries,the old ones; Sherlock Holmes, The Thin Man, Murder She Wrote, Colombo, etc.
6. I too love cartoons and my old favorite is Scooby Do and my new favorite is Phineas & Ferb.
7. My daughter calls me a “Shark”, because I will ride around and around a parking lot to find the closest parking space.
Now 15 fellow bloggers that also deserve the nomination and honor!
- http://trthomp.com/2012/04/25/251/ ** – Shares God’s Word, new blog for me, but inspiring
- http://nestdesignstudio.wordpress.com/ – Extraordinary pictures
- http://writingstraight.com/ – Holly is a true author!
- http://thebeinspiredproject.wordpress.com/ – Name speaks for itself
- http://mqinspiringthoughts.wordpress.com/ – Truly thought-provoking
- http://dangerouslyorganized.wordpress.com/ – Need I say more??
- http://hipncreative.wordpress.com/ – Another “hip” organizer, with other interesting tips about FOOD!
- http://feminolceinspired.wordpress.com/ – Young Inspiration
- http://nissiknows.wordpress.com/ – Helps others, especially young women to feel good about themselves
- http://verticaltales.wordpress.com/ – Excellent poetry and just stuff to live by
- http://angelashella.wordpress.com/ – Fantastic songstress with other interesting facts
- http://anissasadventures.wordpress.com/ – Spiritual Food
- http://theunderestimatedmom.com/ – a lot about family, thus the title
- http://aypee.wordpress.com/ – Check out the snake on his cover page
- http://agirlandherbrush.wordpress.com/ – She shares her life journey with beautiful art work
Now that you have been nominated, you have to share 7 unknown facts about yourself and then nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
By the way, I also needed an alternative for the “Liebster Award”, to replace Source of Inspiration, who unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it) has too many followers.
So my new nomination is:
http://meantforsomethingbetter.com/2012/04/25/thanks-and-do-i-have-to/ – Shares her life concerns, but understands that there is a purpose.
The Liebster Blog Award Rules:
1.Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment at their blog.
When I was a kid I was afraid I’d get a tatoo. It wasn’t until I put together that I would only get a tatoo if I wanted a tatoo. Nothing to be afraid of.
That is so true. I also thought about getting a tatoo and chickened out! Did you finally get the tatoo?
I don’t have a tattoo yet. I can’t think of anything I want to commit to “wearing” that long. Maybe I’m commitment phobic and not afraid of tattoos anymore. How about you? Still no tattoo?
I love Phineas and Ferb too….I’ll even watch it when the kids aren’t home! Thanks for playing along!!
When I read that your daughters were tall I went straight away to their blog, and loved it. I was always the tallest in my class, although only 5′ 8″, that was tall in my day. My daughter has also always been the Tall Girl, 5′ 10 1/2″ (she’s 21 now). I sent her the link for your daughter’s blog because I know she’ll enjoy it and feel comforted. She also has a blog (http://jazzysongbird.blogspot.com/).
Congrats! And thanks for thinking of my blog. I am delighted to receive this and look forward to answering the questions!
Commitment phobic?? LOL!!!!!!!!! … No, still no tattoo! I don’t do pain too well. Having a baby is as much as I can stand. 🙂
Thank you for the invite. By the way, I started watching cartoons, before the kids came, but don’t tell nobody… 🙂
Thanks and you are very welcome!
I will definitely pass in on and I will check it out also. Glad you liked their blog!
I’m shocked you turned out “normal” after the mugging. Someone stole my candy like that I would have been traumatized for life! 🙂
Thank you so much Candy : ), we have already entered this before, but are so grateful for the love!
Was your hubby peppered with the “do you play basketball?” question. That always drove me nuts. 🙂
Absolutely!! My girls are getting it now also. ALL the time….
What a great list. Thanks for putting a great big grin on my face.
ps: I’m a big Perry the Platypus fan.