August is the 8th month and in biblical terms, the number 8 means “new beginnings”, in the year 2012, the Year of Order.

August has always been a month of significant events for me. August 4th was the 14th anniversary of the death of my father, which is usually just a passing thought. For some reason, the thoughts of my dad lingered a little longer than usual this year. My father raised me as a first son (which also has strong biblical implications, but I’ve digressed). He was very strict and a strong disciplinarian with me, but not with my sister (another story for another time). So needless to say, my dad and I were not the best of friends. But I loved him and late in my adult life, I realized that he loved me too. August 7th would have been his 78th birthday.
On a lighter note, August 9th was my parents’ wedding anniversary, the 12th is my mother’s birthday, the 14th is my youngest daughter’s birthday and the 16th is my husband’s birthday. WOW!!!!!! But this year, there is one more significant event for me, August 10th is my official, official last day with Xerox (10 days shy of my 33rd anniversary). August 11 is my New Beginning!!!!! I have had eight (8) months of trial run with my new business. During this time, God has continued to show me that He has a purpose for “Order Your Steps“ and He will prosper it, if I trust Him and not rely on my own understanding… Proverbs 3:5-6. When God has purposed something for us, but we are not too sure if we want to do it, remember He knows what is best for us and eventually, it is going to happen.
I have transitioned into the next phase of my life. Order and discipline are not new concepts for me, but God is taking me to a whole new level. What about you? Are you ready to make a change? With Change comes Challenges, but anything worth having does…
August can be your “New Beginning”!

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August has also always been a month of significant events for me too. My nephew’s birthday is the 1st, my maternal grandmother’s was the 7th, my maternal grandfathers was the 10th, and he passed away on the 27th. My mother passed away 21 years ago on the 8th at the age of 57 (literally the 8th of the 8th). My parents anniversary was the 17th. The last day of my current job is also the 17th, and I start my new full-time position on the 20th. 8 weeks ago, I fled from a controlling marriage of 11 years, and drove 2720 km. across 3 provinces to start over, with no job, no possessions (just what I could fit in a compact car), and no place to live. God has done so many amazing things since and, fittingly, in the month that has been so significant in my life, He’s opened the door for a great new job in a great new career path. I’m transitioning into the next phase of my life, and I’m so thankful for this new beginning. God knew the plans He had for me, for good and not for evil, to give me a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11).
WOW!! I am simply overwhelmed by your testimony. God is soooooo Good!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing and I pray that your blessings continue to flow. 🙂
Congratulations on your retirement from Xerox. Also, congratulations on persevering for 33 years. Do take pride in your achievement! God bless you, and good luck. I am looking forward to hearing all about your new endeavor.
Thank you so much for the well wishes and the words of encouragement. Have a wonderfully Blessed day!
Thank you!!!
Wow, we have alot in common. I am also a graduate of RIT, 1987 Graphic Design, I’m an African American woman, I’ve been married for 23 years, I love the Lord, I started my own business 6 years ago. August is a month of change for me, my first child starts college. Let’s keep in touch.
“With Change Comes Challenges (Candy S)”…Hmmm…I wonder if this is why August which was supposed to be a bit easier in terms of scheduling than July’s scheduling actually seemed to be a bit more exhausting. Very interesting post! I’m familiar with the term first son from the Bible. Can you expound on how it relates to how your father raised you if you get time? Thanks 🙂
A lot is expected of the first son. He has much greater responsibility in my opinion, especially from a father’s perspective. So, I felt that my dad was really hard on me, I never had the opportunity to be daddy’s little girl. I kept trying to prove myself, but it never seemed good enough. (I may have taken it out of context from a biblical perspective?)
Thanks for taking the time to expound on how you feel it relates to your relationship with your father 🙂
You are welcome! Did you have other thoughts that you could share regarding the “firstborn son” from a biblical perspective?
Not really that much different…My understanding of the firstborn son is pretty literal. However, in the Bible, the firstborn sons were usually the ones who would receive the greater blessing and inheritance which may correlate with the scripture that says, “to whom much is given much is required (or expected) “. I think in your situation when it comes to your relationship with your dad, your thoughts are not too far off from what you felt. I actually think that parents sometimes have the tendency to be more lenient on their younger children and get more lenient with each one born later. Lol…we noticed this with our younger brother. He got away with so much more than we ever were allowed to. Maybe parents get softer or they want to hang on to each child after realizing how fast they grow up. Maybe it could be that they’re harder with their first children because they are learning to be parents themselves and after practice with their firstborns and those succeeding them, they know better what is necessary and what may not be necessary. I’m really not sure, especially since I am not a parent. As a teacher (which essentially is what our parents are to us), I learn along the way how to work with different students, what’s necessary and what’s not. So it may seem that some students may have it easier than others before them.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us. This gives us another interesting perspective. Take Care and Have a Blessed Week! 🙂
This August I attended a women’s conference with the theme: “He Make All Things New”. Although it may appear that life is going on as usual, change is coming and as God promises it will spring forth now (Is. 43:18-19). Hold fast to his word – This is the year of New Beginnings.
Oh my God! … Thanks so much for the confirmation of His Word. Take Care and Be Blessed,,,,
Great post and I like the sentiments you expressed about your father. As a father I hope my kids can reflect on me with fondness as I have tried to give them the best I could. I am also a recent retiree so I also congratulate you on your success and hope you find something fulfilling to do in your retirement.
Thanks for taking the time to comment and Congratulations on your retirement too! I started my own business and I really love it. Take Care…
Thank you for sharing. Life is full of new beginnings.
Thanks for stopping by!
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Will Do…
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I’ve decided to reblog this post from two years ago. All the info is very relevant for this August, now 2014, the Year of “Double Completion”. We are still in the midst of constant changes, ALL for the Better. Our best is yet to come ….. Hope you enjoy!