Happy Monday! So sorry for the lateness of my post… I anticipate my work schedule becoming a little busier. I have added “Designer” for ShelfGenie Glide-out shelving to my portfolio, so I am scheduling appointments for that as well. Busy is a very good thing for someone with a new business…
Now, for the important stuff! One of the simply ways to begin organizing is to start a “To Do” list. It only takes a few items and can be done in a few minutes. Now the key is once we write the items down and we have to plan to do the things on the list. When I was still at Xerox, almost everyone, at every level of management, had a spiral notebook and as you accomplished your task, you would check it off the list … but never tear the page out of the book… Think about it!! We would always have a running list of what was done, when it was done and what else needed to be done. Even today, in the world of technology, your spiral notebook may be your task list in microsoft office, OneNote, etc., but it serves the same purpose… to help us to outline the things that we have to get done and hopefully, will help us to develop a plan “to do”them.

For more organizing tips, please check out… Order Your Steps