2nd “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop, Another Success!

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to another Blessed week!  Just wanted to let you all know that my second workshop for Seniors was even more fun than the first. There seemed to be even more participation and sharing…

A Special Thanks to Brenda, Activities Coordinator at The Lodge, she said, “Your common sense approach to handling disorder was well received by our residents. We look forward to your working with us and perhaps coming back to the Lodge in the new year.”

Below is a 50 sec. video, please watch and I hope you enjoy!

[wpvideo LCQuoMTF]

For more pictures, please go to my “Order Your Steps” Facebook page.

I wanted to acknowledge another milestone, we exceeded the 5000 Hits mark on last week.  I want to thank all my followers, readers and Facebook fans!  Stay Tuned for my next organizing post for the couple trying to manage two (2) households.

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