#14 = Spiritual Perfection


In my last post, I found it very interesting that I purposely listed 14 activities that may be considered opportunities in our lives, especially if we are disorganized.  So why / how did I connect these opportunities to “Spiritual Perfection”?  I must admit that for several moments, I wondered the same thing??  However, these  14 activities are time robbers.  Things that need to change in our lives, so that we will have the time to do other activities that would help us to create more order in our lives.  The things that we may consider small, but do matter!

In my mind, “Spiritual Perfection”, begins (or continues) when we identify our opportunities, our imperfections and allow the Lord to step in to perfect us.  Many times, we try to change things in our lives, on our own … but the Bible says His strength is made perfect in our weakness.   We can’t do it by ourselves.

The Lord will continue to perfect us until He returns … to establish His divine order for our lives as He has ordained.  But we must acknowledge our opportunities, make the time to do what needs to be done and most of all, allow Him to Order Our Steps!


Have a Happy …!!!

“Blog Chill Day” will return next Friday.

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