I have the pleasure of presenting my 1st guest blogger, none other than my own daughter, Ms. Myiesha Speight. She is currently entering her senior year of college majoring in English on a full academic honors scholarship at Winston Salem State University. She is aspiring to become a world renown author and has already began to apply for graduate school, where she plans to pursue a masters degree in creative writing. She loves writing and recently started her own blog entitled Standing Among Stars (please check it out). She has also graciously agreed to pen “The Organizing Story”, a creative work of fiction to further illustrate the Psychology of Clutter.
So without any further ado, enjoy “The Organizing Story”….
“I’d like to explain how I work”, Rhonda said. She was having a sit-down with her newest client, Mariah Kellar. Rhonda is a professional organizer and usually liked to have a conversation before she began. “But first, would you consider yourself an organized person?” She asked Mariah.
Mariah took a moment to think about it. “Um,” She said. “I don’t know…yeah…maybe…yes! Definitely yes~”
Rhonda smiled at the woman’s indecisiveness. She was used to people being unsure about their organizing habits. After so many years as an organizer, she had seen people at every level of organization and she knew how to effectively help them proven in her 100% success rate. The reason for her success was simply because she was no normal organizer. “Organized? Well, there’s only one way to find out,” She said. “Let’s have a look see, hmm?”
Mariah was confused. “I don’t think I understand.”
“Give me your hand,” Rhonda said. Mariah eyed Rhonda warily, but put her hand in Rhonda’s anyway. “Please take a deep breath and close your eyes.” Mariah did as she was told. She was beginning to get worried that her time was being wasted. Rhonda was known as the best in her field, but for what Mariah was paying, she wouldn’t be able to afford it if Rhonda was wasting time. A few minutes passed and it seemed that nothing was happening. Mariah opened her left eye to take a peek, but to her surprise, Rhonda was gone.
“Wait, where’d you go?” Mariah asked, looking around annoyed. She definitely deserved a refund if all Rhonda was going to do was play hide-and-seek.
“I’m in here,” Rhonda yelled. She added, “And I don’t appreciate that last statement, I don’t do refunds. Good Lord, it’s a disaster area in here.”
“What?! Where’s here?” Mariah asked.
“I’m in your mind, Mariah, and I’ve got to say, you’re not organized at all,” Rhonda said.
“How can you say that? I’m not perfect, but I’m not a slob.”
“I know better than that. Just because you look organized on the surface doesn’t mean you’re an organized person. If the state of your mind is of any indication, I have my work cut out for me. Goodness gracious, when’s the last time you cleaned up in here?”
“Well, excuse me.” Mariah replied. “I’m not really sure how to clean up something I can’t get to. Besides you don’t understand, I’ve got a LOT going on”
“Good thing you called me then. You see, organizing begins in the mind. You need to get your mind in order first before you can begin organizing your space. You have to start getting rid of the things you’ve been holding to. Pick your priorities. Pick what’s really important to you and just let go of the rest.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
Rhonda chuckled. “It’s not, but it has to be done. I can’t organize your area if your mind is cluttered with things you don’t need. If I don’t start with your mind, it makes my job a lot harder because there’s no guarantee you’ll keep up with the order. If there’s no order to your brain, I’d be wasting my time organizing the rest of you. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” Mariah said and she understood how Rhonda became the best.
“Excellent,” Rhonda said, rolling up her sleeves preparing for the feat ahead of her. “Let’s get to work, shall we?”

Yes, organizing does begin in the mind. Delightful story. Is there more?
Not yet, but stay tuned. 🙂