The Confession – Wrap Up

Well, I am wrapping up my mini-series on Your house must be Super organized” – The Confession”.  I promised that when I spruced up my bedding, I would show you a picture of my bedroom. Now, believe it or not, I did not stage my room for the photos.  I make up my bed every day.  It may mean that I have to make it up before I get in it, but what can I say! …  :-0    If you spend anytime with my husband in an informal setting, you are bound to hear the story about me making up my bed while on our honeymoon.

Doesn’t everybody???  LOL!!!!!

My side of the room
My side of the room
This is my husband's reading corner and this is all the clutter that he is allowed.  :-)
This is my husband’s reading corner and this is all the clutter that he is allowed. 🙂

And last, but not least… my closet!

House 016 House 017Well, there you have it, my house is NOT Super organized!  But it is comfortable for me …. and the family.  Our home is PEACEFUL and Stress-less.  Is that a word?

I am always looking for topics that you would like me to post.  I think for my next post, I will give you an update on Order Your Steps.  We are two (2) years old now.

My, how time flies when you are having fun!

Stay Tuned….

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