I will try not to make this post too long. But I have so much in my head right now that I may have to make this a two-part post.
There are a few things that I need to mention before I get into the meat of my message… First, I will reemphasize that this is NOT A BASHING of Religion! Actually, I am going to speak very little about religion specifically. Second, I want to remind you that this is a RANT! So I am going to ramble at times, thus I may say things that may not make any sense to you, so you may need to read it more than once. 😀
When I gave my initial message, as an aspiring missionary, my pastor told us that the Word that the Lord gives us comes to us first. So there has been this Word in my spirit about what we say out of our mouth. The Power of Life and Death is in our tongue! It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord will confirm His Word to us in ways that we least expect. The Spirit of the Lord will keep talking until we listen.
Don’t rush me yet, I told you that I was going to ramble…
Are we telling people about Jesus??? I heard someone say that we all must preach the gospel and when necessary speak words. Think about it… Are we talking about the Grace of God that has been afforded us? But the cost was great! We, in general, spend TOO much time telling ourselves and others, what we have done wrong, what we shouldn’t do or even what we can’t do??? We must be really careful about what comes out of our mouth. We must speak LIFE, first to ourselves.
Make a Declaration! ….

We must allow the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to speak to us and through us. Remember, God SPOKE the world into existence. If we show everyone the Love of Christ, He will take care of the rest.
I understand that this message doesn’t apply to All of Us. But it has served to remind me that I have to be very careful of what I let out of my mouth, even words I speak about myself. I really don’t want to hinder the blessings that God has for me, simply because of what I just happen to speak into the atmosphere.
How about you?

I think that there’s more to come (part 2)… My pastor spoke today about speaking our thoughts. He said that we are going to have negative thoughts, but what happens when we speak them out loud?
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