… I pray for more Order in your life in 2014! The biblical meaning of the number 14 is double completion (2 X 7) or double spiritual perfection. So what are you doing to prepare for 2014? Are there goals and objectives that you really want to accomplish? -OR- Are you simply going to go with the same old flow? Let me suggest that you get a little more organized, be a little less stressed and have a LOT more Peace in the coming year?
I would venture to guess that most of us would love to slow down, just a little bit. We say it, but what are we doing about it? We would love to have just a little more time each day. But what are we doing about it?

Here are a few suggestions …
- Jot down a couple of BIG, but specific things that you want to accomplish next year. Things that will get you closer to your dream, something that you are passionate about, something that you really, really want to scratch off your bucket list. For example, my daughter wants to write a novel. She is going to take a break before graduate school, but she must focus on her goal and make a commitment or the year will have passed and …no novel.
- Make your goal realistic. If your goal is unrealistic, thus unattainable, then it is very unlikely that you will achieve it. Thus frustration sets in and you are back to square one.
- No New News!… You have to have a plan, write it down and stick to it. Break your goal down into bite size pieces. “In order to finish my novel, I must write a minimum of one hour each day, 30 min. in the morning before I eat breakfast and 30 min. in the evening before I eat dinner”. “My goal is to write X number of words a day”.
- Establish some Order & Peace in your environment. Organize your space where you are going to work. Set aside quiet time to work… maybe add a little music.
- Take DEEP Breaths. Take a moment to unwind. Relax! Read a scripture. Just think how much you can accomplish in a short period of time if you put your mind to it. (Sidebar: I suffer from high blood pressure (I am not sure why? :-() and I was in the doctor’s office. He took my pressure and yes, it was high. But then he said relax and take 3 DEEP breaths…. my pressure dropped 15 points in a matter of minutes. Amazing!)
- REWARD YOURSELF along the way! Keep track of your progress. Give yourself credit for completing each step. “Don’t despise the day of small beginnings!”
Many of us will start this process and it will last all of two (2) weeks, if that long and we will be sucked up into the routine of life as it always was and will be. Let’s make this year different. I am not sure what IT will take for you to do IT. But I pray that you find IT! There is a need for a Spiritual Breakthrough!!!! Seek IT and be determined to find IT!
For 2014, Expect Double for your Trouble, as you strive for Double Completion! Yes, we are gonna have to work smarter. Be consistent and keep our eye on the prize. Theses few small suggestions can apply to any and everything that we want to accomplish. Is your Dream Too Big? I don’t think so and I am not even sure what it is!! So, if I can believe that, then I am sure you can…

I will be checking on you from time to time to see how you are doing!
Related articles
- START! GO! DO! BE! 2014 Goal Setting! (igetgivegrow.com)
- What Did You Accomplish This Year? (thesimpledollar.com)
- The ‘One Goal’ Method to Breakthrough Transformations in the New Year (wonderfultips.wordpress.com)