First, I must say that it’s amazing to look at your life through the eyes of God’s Grace… for the last 3 years or more, I have entered a new year with much anticipation and I have looked at the year that I have left behind, with a sense of calm & peace. Now don’t misunderstand, the previous 20+ years had been “Thank God I don’t have to do that again!” But for the past few years, my only real challenges have been my son … and my finances (from my skewed perspective!). See the Lord has always provided for us financially. There’s always been a ram in the bush! Our needs have been graciously met; we have always had shelter and food on the table … BUT, I would prefer not to live from paycheck to paycheck. So I have asked God for an over-abundance (and not just financially) and He has asked me to wait until it’s my season! I know that God wants me to trust Him with my whole heart. Money, or the lack thereof, seems to always keep me a little unsettled, thus it continues to be my area of opportunity. As far as my son goes, I have finally, finally turned him over to the Lord and now I am truly letting God handle it. I am patiently waiting from my son’s deliverance and I refuse to interfere.

Now on to 2014… With each new year, I want to grow spiritually, walk in my purpose and always seek to get better and better at what I do. 2014 is no exception! Order Your Steps continues to grow as more and more doors are opened. Many of those doors have been opened via ShelfGenie and for that, I am truly grateful. However, there are four (4) major objectives that I would like to accomplish this year:
- Write an eBook entitled “It’s more about Order, than Organizing”. I even have the dedication written. I want to do a compilation of my best posts and put them into book form. I would love to be able to offer some type of product(s) with my other professional organizing services.
- I would like to do more speaking engagements. I have three (3) different “Order Out of Chaos” presentations prepared and I can customize them to suit the group that I am speaking to. This may require a new marketing strategy, more networking, etc.
- I want to further my education by taking the certified professional organizing courses, which I wasn’t going to do initially. However, now that I am going into my 3rd year of business, I believe that it would be an added benefit.
- Research the qualifications to become a certified Life Coach and begin to map out a path to add this skill to my business portfolio.
So I practice what I preach… I have identified and documented my 3-4 BIG objectives. I believe that they all are realistic and achievable. Now I must outline the specific actions needed, time-frames and deadlines to reach my goals.
As we journey toward our dreams, I have promised to keep an eye on you and I will keep you posted on my progress as well.
I am so excited!!
How about you?