In most cases, a business coach, productivity specialist, efficiency expert, etc. will tell us that we have to know our work process, it has to be documented and we need to review it periodically. I know this better than most, but it just seems that since I started Order Your Steps, I have not been able to develop a clear, concise “System”. There has been a lot of trial and error. For one thing, the past two (2) years are a blurrrrr! They went by soooo fast and I feel like I kinda flew by the seat of my pants (in a very organized way, of course! :-D). It’s somewhat difficult to explain, but you see, I am still a “paper person”, so, in the beginning I created a lot of different forms that I thought that I would need to track information on my clients, i.e. intake forms, assessment forms, invoice forms, form forms.

However, there are a few things that I have looked at, especially in the past few days, which I believe will help me to fine tune MY System, to better establish My Order. I looked through all my past emails and the events that I attended and or hosted. I REALLY DID A LOT LAST YEAR!! :-D. It seems like I was pretty consistent sorta, in communicating with clients and potential clients (I truly believe that most of it can be attributed to the Holy Spirit, but that’s another post, for another time). Thus, it was important for me to compile a comprehensive contact listing and document a lead tracking process, in order to make my touch points with clients more consistent. Like most, my primary source of communications is email, so in most cases, I don’t need a form. This may sound very elementary to the trained eye ear, but for the technologically challenged, it makes more sense in my brain, if I spell it out. 🙂
So, what will be the important elements of my revised System?
- An updated documented work process, to include all facets of my job.
- Order Your Steps (OYS) Lead contact & follow-up
- OYS Client communications and organizing session progress reports
- ShefGenie customer satisfaction process & follow-up
- Other – OYS seminars, workshops, participation in health fairs, community days, etc.
- I don’t need a folder (hard-copy or electronic) for each client for every piece of correspondence. But if has a signature, keep it in safe place. SCAN when you can!
- Consolidate all my contact lists and categorize my contacts into different distribution lists for various mailings and group communications.
- K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!! I believe that I was making MY System, a lot more complicated than necessary. I know that
ifwhen My System becomes more automated, the process will flow a lot smoother, but in the meantime, I will make it work in PaperLand :-D. By the way, I do have an iPhone and an iPad is in my future….
We have to know how we work, so that we can determine what we are doing right and what we can do better. This applies to managing our 9 to 5, operating our own business, running a household or establishing a homework /study process.

Any Suggestions?? Or simply share with us some of the things that really work well for you….