Blog Chill Day # 6

I hope all is well.  It continues to get busy and I am so excited about what the Lord is doing!  I am going to stop apologizing for not writing a post, but just know that I will keep in touch.  I hope to have pictures of some of my recent accomplishments as well.

Today is an inspirational post and as always The Word comes to me first.  This is a very exciting and enlightening time for me.  I am enjoying the blessings of the Lord, but at times, it is somewhat unsettling.  I shared with my Pastor today that I felt this rumbling in my spirit and he told me to “Rest in the Lord”.  Although I did take a moment or two, to try to explain ….  then when we got home, my husband and I continued to discuss “my rumblings” at great length…. BUT then I decided just to go to the scriptures.

If you are a little unsettled in your spirit right now, here’s a Word for Us!

Google Search

rest2 rest3rest6rest5 rest7Pictures:  Google Search**

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