I have a small prayer circle and we pray every Tuesday night. We try to bring forth those things that the Holy Spirit has laid on our heart. So one of our major topics recently has been “Don’t be discouraged!”, Don’t be distracted!” It is amazing how the smallest or even big things will catch us off guard and throw us totally off track. So we have to remember that God is always preparing us for the work that He has for us to do.
I had a small situation that seemed really BIG at the time and I got caught up in my emotions. I really hates when that happens!!! It was finance related and although I had caused the error (online bill payment, gone wrong!), I tried diligently to undo it, to no avail. So, my mind immediately went into overdrive when what I feared would happen, DID! I felt that I had to move fast and with each phone call I made, I was on the verge of tears. The situation took me totally by surprise. By the third phone call, which was to the bank, the lady was so nice and considerate, that I couldn’t help but smile. The Lord had already told me earlier that morning to simply listen to His voice…. and He spoke to me ever so softly during that conversation.
God has to constantly remind me that I am going to make mistakes!(click link)… and I am just gonna have to get over it. Remember, we will always be a work is process. God is simply NOT through with us yet! Please take a listen to the song….
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv9FmIon5so]