Or Lack Thereof…. I thought that I should add just a few thoughts with regards to “The Dream”. My reality is that I did not properly plan financially for my retirement. I understand that if you are my age, we need “MILLIONS” of dollars saved in order to live comfortably when we retire. In my attempt to be transparent and hopefully, help others, my savings does not even come close to “MILLION” (singular). My 401K took a beating like many of ours over the past several years and so did many pension funds.
But, as the Lord would have it, I was eligible for the early retirement buy-out when it was offered and I had reached the retirement age in accordance with the guidelines of my company (which by the way, I achieved in Sept., 2011… Coincidence, I think NOT!) So I will be drawing my pension, but I will have to wait on Social Security… No, I won’t hold my breath!
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not flying solely by the seat of my pants. I have figured out how much income that I will need to bring in from “Order Your Steps” (more info to come on that). But although we don’t have any credit card debt, we do still have a mortgage.
So without telling you all my business, I am sure that a LOT of you are thinking… “SHE MUST HAVE FALLEN DOWN AND BUMPED MY HEAD!”
I would love to hear your thoughts and I promise to take the constructive criticism with an open mind 🙂 ……
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- How Much Money Do I Need To Retire? (celebritynetworth.com)