for your favorite “Name for the Phase 1 of Organizing”!
You can vote for as many names as you like,
but vote ONLY ONCE for each name….
(Names listed in alphabetical order)
- Accept and Admit – 1
- Eye Opening
- Determine To Do It
- Dive Right In- 2
- Fresh Start- 1
- Inspiration
- New Beginning
- No Longer on the Fence
- Organizing Your Time
- Take the Plunge
- The Epiphany
- The Revelation- 1
- To Be Perfectly Perfect in Everything within the Given Time
Respond with a Comment for your choice
Use “Order Your Steps” Facebook Page
to make your selection!
On Monday, April 16th, The Winner will be Announced!!!!!!
Voting Ends Saturday, April 14th at midnight**
Thank you for voting!
Fresh Start would be my first choice….because that is what each and every clean out and organization is a :Fresh Start. The next one that caught my eye was The Epiphany – because you do have to have that as an end results……..a striking appearance. Dive Right In, I like it, but part of me immediately thinks of something to do with a pool……I don’t know why…….
Thanks for much for voting! Have a Blessed Weekend!