Have you ever been in the position, where you see something SO clearly, but very few, if anyone see things the same way you do??
As a professional organizer, I see that people really need my help. I know in my heart that clutter creates chaos and chaos disturbs the divine order that life should have. I believe that people understand this, but they CAN’T see it…. THEY JUST DON’T HAVE THE TIME!
I know, I sound like a broken record. BUT I see it SOOOOOOO clearly!!! Many of us are in a vicious cycle of Chaos, a state of utter confusion! Get Up (still ragged out from the day before), Eat (if you have time), Get dressed (if you can find the mate to that shoe or find the pair of socks that match)!
Get the kids ready, Get the kids to school, Go to work, pick up the kids, get dinner, get ready for bed, etc. etc. etc.
Maybe the person that I just described is the exception, NOT the rule. But the folks who realize that they could use some help and call me, they still just don’t have time!! They are not enough hours in the day… Can anyone relate? So where will the time come from???
Got any ideas? I would love to hear your comments.
Related articles
- Reducing the Clutter for 2013: Reorganizing My Home Office Space (modernmami.com)
- Pick the Home Organizing Approach that Works for You (apartmentguide.com)
- Out of Chaos (sourcereflections.wordpress.com)
I think this is not the exception, it is a product of our society, our culture. Everyone lives that way. I noticed it when I was a child and decided that I would rather live like Tarzan in the jungle. Instead, like everyone else, I got caught in the rat race.
Life can be very much as you described. Sometimes we have to pause for a minute and look around us. When I see too much clutter, I realize I have slipped off my priority list.
Unfortunately, the fast hectic pace has become the norm and people don’t acknowledge that there is chaos… or they just acknowledge it and just keep going!
This is exactly what I am striving to do… to have people to notice the clutter and sense that some action needs to be taken… something is out of order and some adjustments must be made.
If I had the money I’d fly you here to help me with my attic & kitchen.
How about virtual support? Where do you live?