“Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**

I thought that I would give you an update on my FREE “Order Out of Chaos” Workshops.  Initially I focused on the senior citizen living facilities.  The participants were open to sharing their own struggles with getting organized, especially after downsizing from their much larger homes.  My presentation, “Organizing made Simple” was only 30 minutes and then we had a Q&A session.  I thoroughly enjoyed them.  I’d always wanted to teach, so now I get to teach, organize and teach about organizing!!!

In February, the “Order Out of Chaos” FREE workshop was OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  Along with the owner of the local franchise of ShelfGenie, we decided to conduct the workshops as part of a LifeStyle Transitions Series.  Arline and I, as small business owners in our community, wanted to do something for the community that would have a positive impact.  Organizing will be a common thread throughout the workshops, as it pertains to healthy living, nutrition, exercise and just getting your life in order.  Our first workshop in the series was held at Wegmans in Woodmore/Lanham, MD.  Unfortunately, Wegmans has a very strict policy prohibiting advertising on the premises, so we advertised on Facebook and via the ShelfGenie newsletter, flyers, etc.  We had a small turnout, but I believe that I prefer small.  It’s better when I can interact with the audience and that are able to interact with each other.  I believe that moving forward will we limit the attendance to each session to thirty 30 people.  Soooooo… due to the overwhelming response (the show being SOLD OUT), I will have to add a session or two or three…..


Our next workshop is entitled “Spending Your Time Wisely”,   We will focus on time management tips.  It will be held on the last Saturday in March at one of the local libraries … where we can hand out flyers! 🙂

Stay Tuned for more info throughout the month.

Please PASS THE WORD to all your family and friends

in the DC, Md. and N. Va.!!

5 thoughts on ““Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**

  1. I will check into that. I was hoping that I could negotiate with Wegmans to partner with us also so that we could advertise there as well. I will keep you posted on our progress. Thanks for your compliment and encouragement! 🙂

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