This project was to organize an entire home, from garage & family room to the upstairs bedrooms. I met my client at a vending event that I attended to share info about ShelfGenie and Order Your Steps. She arrived just when the event was beginning to shut down. She passed by our booth and she said that she really needed to get her home organized. However, she simply took the info and said that she would call me. Arline, ShelfGenie franchise owner, said “Did you get her phone number?” Please understand that God always Orders Your Steps…. I kinda chased her down and got her phone number. AMAZING!! A few weeks later, I did her FREE in-home assessment and the rest is history! 😀
She’s been truly AWESOME! She’s been very patient with me and has worked diligently throughout the entire organizing process. However, at times, it was simply overwhelming for her, but she stuck with it. Although, there were times that she just couldn’t get her homework done, she was always ready to work when I showed up.
Once motivated, she began doing other improvements to her home, i.e. painting, deck refinishing and replacing patio doors… I mean BIG stuff. She is living proof that once you start to establish more organization in your home, it promotes an Order to your life were also times that we had an opportunity to discuss her work life…It is all about Order!!
HOORAY! We have finished the bulk of our project, and now we will need to do some fine tuning to a few areas of her home. We will establish a maintenance program that will enable her to continue what we have started. Our official project wrap-up was last Friday. It felt like we were closing a major chapter of her life, which I guess we have! I appreciate how the Lord has allowed me to minister to her during this last few months. Moving forward, I will check in with her by phone or preferrably a pop-up visit every other week or so. In addition, we will have a two-hour organizing session once a month and then we’ll just see what happening from here! 😀
Here are a few rooms that we did… Take a Look!!