Author Archives: admin
Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2
I would like to go back to Blog Chill Day # 13 for a moment. The message in that blog post was that we can ONLY work on ourselves, we can not change the world, well you know what I mean… Many times when are lives are out of order, when things around us are inContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2”
Blog Chill Day # 14
Think about it!
Blog Chill Day #13
I pray that everyone had a Happy Resurrection Sunday! I want to thank everyone for your gracious response to my last two posts. I am always very grateful to know that my blog posts are read and enjoyed! However, I must apologize to all my followers for the lateness of my posts. Things areContinue reading “Blog Chill Day #13”
Blog Chill Day # 12
If you are reading this blog, YOU ARE BLESSED!! Now Say It…. I AM BLESSED! Speak it into the atmosphere, EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL IT! [youtube]
Blog Chill Day # 11
I pray for husbands and wives everywhere. I just celebrated 29 years of marriage. It has not been easy, but God had done something new for our marriage. We take time to just sit and talk with each other over a cup a coffee. We don’t talk about money or the kids (unless it isContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 11”
Let’s Tackle the Closet!
If you have been paying attention, you know that to be “organized” means to be able to find what you need when you need it! So let’s talk about tackling the closet. It can be any closet, but I’d like to focus on the clothes closet. It is the clothes closet that you have toContinue reading “Let’s Tackle the Closet!”
Blog Chill Day # 10
“Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**
I thought that I would give you an update on my FREE “Order Out of Chaos” Workshops. Initially I focused on the senior citizen living facilities. The participants were open to sharing their own struggles with getting organized, especially after downsizing from their much larger homes. My presentation, “Organizing made Simple” was only 30 minutesContinue reading ““Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**”
Blog Chill Day # 9
Have a Blessed Weekend!