Author Archives: admin
Blog Chill Day # 26
Wind… Wisdom… Worship! Photos Credit: Google search**
Blog Chill Day # 25
Blog Chill Day # 24
Blog Chill Day # 23
Listen for His Voice ….
There is so much that I want to tell you about the Spiritual Wake-Up Call that I experienced today, but I will try not to ramble too much… Let me try to give you a little background. Last year this time, almost to the day, I wrote a post about my son (please take a moment toContinue reading “Listen for His Voice ….”
Blog Chill Day # 22
We must be patient…. even if it takes a lifetime!
I may be going out on a limb here, but we “organized” people must be patient… we can not force anyone to be organized! The nagging and nagging and nagging will not only make for a very disruptive home and family, but it will make the person(s) more resistant and defensive. We must be patient! Now toContinue reading “We must be patient…. even if it takes a lifetime!”
Blog Chill Day # 21
Order Your Steps is going on the road… sorta!
It is interesting how my life has evolved and the Lord continues to confirm my true purpose and how Order Your Steps plays a key role in that evolution. My eyes are being opened to see how I can best utilize all my gifts and talents. When I graduated high school, I wanted to beContinue reading “Order Your Steps is going on the road… sorta!”