2nd “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop, Another Success!

Hello Everyone, Welcome to another Blessed week!  Just wanted to let you all know that my second workshop for Seniors was even more fun than the first. There seemed to be even more participation and sharing… A Special Thanks to Brenda, Activities Coordinator at The Lodge, she said, “Your common sense approach to handling disorder wasContinue reading “2nd “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop, Another Success!”

A year and almost a month has passed…

On September 13, 2011, Order Your Steps became a reality.  It has truly been an interesting ride since last Sept.  I haven’t made a lot of money :-(… But it hasn’t been about money yet.   My Xerox checks didn’t stop until mid-August and my pension checks started in mid-Sept.  So we are still eating andContinue reading “A year and almost a month has passed…”

“Order Out of Chaos” Workshop

Sorry for the lateness of my post, but I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that tomorrow I will be conducting my first “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop for Seniors.  I will be posting a recap with pictures on Wednesday.  I am expecting a phenomenon turnout…  Pray for me!! Related articlesContinue reading ““Order Out of Chaos” Workshop”

Space for the Car!

When I am cleaning and organizing a garage, my main objective is to sort, purge and to help the homeowner to know what they have and where to find it when they need it.  BUT… ************* Unfortunately, your “neat” may be the other persons’ “nightmare”…. So, the idea behind this exercise was to simply makeContinue reading “Space for the Car!”