Before I leave this phase of my life, I must share with you a Wake-Up Call that I received from one of my managers that I will never forget. In 2005, there was another one of those calls to the manager’s office. In the pit of my stomach, I knew things were not going toContinue reading “A Life Lesson”
Author Archives: Candy S
FEED Your Spirit for TWO Minutes
During your day, Allow the EYES of your Understanding (Your Heart) to be ENLIGHTENED! Take TWO minutes to Meditate on your favorite scripture, A poem or An inspirational quote.
The Plan to Order My Chaos
If you read my last post, you know that I had a LOT going on, at ALL Levels of my life. I often tell people today that you can’t operate with CHAOS at home and at work. You have to have some semblance of ORDER somewhere. So I focused my energy on my new job. Continue reading “The Plan to Order My Chaos”
FEED Your Spirit for ONE Minute
During your work day, Take an entire MINUTE to focus on your breathing. Take Real DEEP breaths, fill your belly with air, INHALE & HOLD IT ….. THEN EXHALE! You may be AMAZED at how long ONE Minute really is.
The Recovery
I survived what I considered a Major setback when we failed the certification, but in the early ‘90’s, I did become a manager once again. God had to get me ready and now was my time. I was no longer “defensive” (for the most part). I remember being in a staff meeting and I was given,Continue reading “The Recovery”
The Certification
Hope you enjoyed my little segway blog post, “Purely Random” and it was really random… Back to the Certification, the day of was extremely nerve-racking, to say the least. Our two-inch 3-ring binder was complete with colorful dividers and creative title pages. The people had been quizzed and quizzed some more, and we were ready. The managersContinue reading “The Certification”
Purely Random
For some reason, I woke up thinking back to when I was a child. It appears that in those days, I made my own chaos and it was rather constant. Between the ages of about 4-6, I had these “eating episodes”. Once I ate a whole jar of dill pickles, I guess that I couldn’tContinue reading “Purely Random”
The 2nd of the two positions that I spoke of last time, was an Organizational Effectiveness Specialist (OES). I literally got to create my own role and responsibilities. At the time, the company was preparing for a quality certification and my task was three-fold. One to get the people excited about the process and two,Continue reading “Pre-Certification”
The Connection
Within two years, I was a manager. I discovered that people don’t always do what they are supposed to do. Two years later, I wasn’t a manager. My manager’s manager called me in the office and yes, I knew immediately that there was a problem. Apparently, 2nd level management felt that I was “too defensive”,Continue reading “The Connection”