“Diving Right In” – Phase II (Test the System)

I decided to back-up and re-group and NOT try to name all the phases of organizing.  I will stick with the name that works, “Dive Right In” and not make the process too complicated (no more contests for a while :-()… although I may try to stay with a water theme. I started small withContinue reading ““Diving Right In” – Phase II (Test the System)”

WOW !! times two (2)

I am simply overwhelmed by how far my little blog has come in such a short period of time.  I hit an all-time high of “86 hits” on 4/13 (not sure why) and things have really taken off since then by my definition….  and now my friend, Beckie, over at CuzIsaidSo has nominated me forContinue reading “WOW !! times two (2)”

Liebster Blog Award – WOW!!

I want to THANK with my whole heart, my new friend, Julie for nominating me for the Liebster Blog Award.  Julie helped me with the definition of “Liebster”, which means “dearest”!  It is such an honor to have a fellow blogger to think so highly of your blog and I really appreciated it. Please visitContinue reading “Liebster Blog Award – WOW!!”

Congratulations on 3 Whole Months!!

While I was running my “Name the Phase” contest, My blog and I celebrated Our 3rd Anniversary!!!  A LOT has happened over the past three (3) months.  It really doesn’t seem like it has been 3 months. So let’s go back a little further and recap what has happened…. I wrote down my dream forContinue reading “Congratulations on 3 Whole Months!!”

“Dive Right In” – Step 2

For the past two (2) weeks,  I had committed my blog to the contest and as my friend over at “Laughing at Everyday Life” said, once you are committed, you have to see it through.  Needless to say, it didn’t exactly turnout the way I had liked, but I got a great name nonetheless. Again,Continue reading ““Dive Right In” – Step 2″