Author Archives: Candy S
“Blog Chill Day 2!”
“Blog Chill Day”!
I’ve decided to name Fridays, “Blog Chill Day” (primarily because I really don’t have a post for you today! 🙁 ) Normally, when I first wake up, I get a flood of ideas for my blog, but today, NOTHING! Besides, I have given you a LOT of information over the past few weeks, hopefully, someContinue reading ““Blog Chill Day”!”
Are You Ready?
Is This You? Help for Reclaiming ORDER and Peace! Order Your Steps just wants to Help you! HAPPY LEAP DAY!! Related articles Life After Corporate America (
A Thought from a “Cluttered” Mind!
FEED Your Spirit for TEN Minutes Every Day!
F Focus on Your Breathing for ONE Minute E Enlighten Your Heart for TWO Minutes E Elevate Your Mind for THREE Minutes D De-Stress for FOUR Minutes Y O U R S P I R I T!
Life After Corporate America
Now that I have taken my LEAP of FAITH, my goal is to help others to not only survive, but thrive where they are in Life. Am I totally in left field? Are you already living your life to the fullest? Is your life filled with the Joy as it was meant to be?? However, during myContinue reading “Life After Corporate America”
Financial Planning
Or Lack Thereof…. I thought that I should add just a few thoughts with regards to “The Dream”. My reality is that I did not properly plan financially for my retirement. I understand that if you are my age, we need “MILLIONS” of dollars saved in order to live comfortably when we retire. In myContinue reading “Financial Planning”
FEED Your Spirit for THREE Minutes
TODAY… ELEVATE Your Mind For Three Minutes, FOCUS on those Things that will take you … Beyond where you are Today!
“Organizing” – My Dream
Let me take you back a few years…. The job, as field manager, was becoming more and more stressful, in spite of my attempts to maintain my order! What appeared to be the phenonmenon of “change for the sake of change”, was simply overwhelming. I had been a field manager for almost 15 years and I really couldn’t see spendingContinue reading ““Organizing” – My Dream”