This project was to organize an entire home, from garage & family room to the upstairs bedrooms. I met my client at a vending event that I attended to share info about ShelfGenie and Order Your Steps. She arrived just when the event was beginning to shut down. She passed by our booth and sheContinue reading “Organizing Project Complete!”
Category Archives: Professsional Organizing
Blog Chill Day # 10
Organizing My Car …. that doubles as my Office!
I spend even more time on the road these days. I now cover Prince George’s, Montgomery, Anne Arundel Counties, parts of Howard & Baltimore County and more, in Maryland. Thus my car now doubles as my office. I must have everything that I need to do my job with me at all times, whether IContinue reading “Organizing My Car …. that doubles as my Office!”
As some of you may know, I had an ad on Living Social during the month of February and March. The offer was 2 hours of organizing services for $50. The response was really good, especially with regards to clicks on my website. So what does that have to do with “motivation”???…. Well, I’m gettingContinue reading “Motivation”
“Preparing to Go Back Inside” – Fall/Winter Special Offer!
Summer is unofficially over and the children are back to school…. It’s time to put your STUFF in Order!!
The Organizing Story by Myiesha Speight
I have the pleasure of presenting my 1st guest blogger, none other than my own daughter, Ms. Myiesha Speight. She is currently entering her senior year of college majoring in English on a full academic honors scholarship at Winston Salem State University. She is aspiring to become a world renown author and has already beganContinue reading “The Organizing Story by Myiesha Speight”
Back-up and Re-group…
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Now that I have put aside my Pride (which should not have been a factor from the start), I realize that there is always a lesson to beContinue reading “Back-up and Re-group…”
What to do with the “Secret” Closet?
Or Not??…. Your secret closet may not be so secret! 🙂 This month, we are going to “Declare Our Independence” from Clutter!! So, Where to we start?? Sort & Purge Organize! Please Stay Tuned for the next episode of “My Son has Reappeared”… I believe that I have had ANOTHER Revelation????? Related articles SolvingContinue reading “What to do with the “Secret” Closet?”
Are you REALLY organized?
Do you have a secret closet? I can not stress enough that being organized, does NOT mean that your house is so neat, that you can’t live in it. Have you ever been in someone’s house that was soooooo clean that you didn’t want to sit down??? You were even afraid to breathe, cause yourContinue reading “Are you REALLY organized?”
Did you clean out the garage?
I must start by letting you all know how grateful I am for my now OVER 300 followers. Half of my followers are my wonderful fellow blogger friends out there and the other half are my Order Your Steps Facebook Fans (please click link to “LIKE”). I never imagined how great the response would be toContinue reading “Did you clean out the garage?”