Blog Chill Day # 15

I have a small prayer circle and we pray every Tuesday night.  We try to bring forth those things that the Holy Spirit has laid on our heart.  So one of our major topics recently has been “Don’t be discouraged!”, Don’t be distracted!”  It is amazing how the smallest or even big things will catchContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 15”

My Dad … and the Father of my Children

My dad and I were never really the best of friends.  He was just the one that corrected me ALL the time, because it seems like I never did anything right!  What I didn’t understand then, is that he was raised to be a strong disciplinarian.  I don’t remember him being the huggy type.  ButContinue reading “My Dad … and the Father of my Children”

My Life is Amazing and In Order, but NOT perfect!

ALERT!  This is going to be a post of RAMBLINGS!!!!  I often struggle to decide on what to share with my followers, which totals over 800, including my FB friends… THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for taking the time to stop by from time to time!   I have also discovered that I get a better response toContinue reading “My Life is Amazing and In Order, but NOT perfect!”