Yesterday was an emotionally draining day for me. I hadn’t had a day like that in a long time. It started with a conversation with my husband about my son that I’d wish that we’d never had. In spite of what’s been going on regarding my son, life has been really good and GodContinue reading “What is Peace?”
Category Archives: Random
“Blog Chill Day 25”
Welcome to the Weekend! …. Have a Blessed One! Please “LIKE” us on Facebook!
“Blog Chill Day 24”
“Blog Chill Day 23”
Random Question?
Is it expected that we respond or comment when someone “likes” or follows our blog? Probably a little late to be asking! I want to make sure that I follow “Blog World” etiquette. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
“Blog Chill Day 22”
Happy Friday! I asked my daughters to give us an inspirational quote for today… You should be thoroughly inspired for the week to come… Which one hit closest to home for you?
“Blog Chill Day 21”
“Blog Chill Day 20”
[youtube] Have a Blessed Weekend!
“Blog Chill Day 19!”
“Blog Chill Day 18”
Today is our day of Victory! But when in battle, send Judah first! ******************** Praise the Lord for what He has already done! **************** Psalm 150 New King James Version (NKJV) Let All Things Praise the Lord Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;Continue reading ““Blog Chill Day 18””