There is so much that I want to tell you about the Spiritual Wake-Up Call that I experienced today, but I will try not to ramble too much… Let me try to give you a little background. Last year this time, almost to the day, I wrote a post about my son (please take a moment toContinue reading “Listen for His Voice ….”
Category Archives: Random
Blog Chill Day # 22
Blog Chill Day # 21
Blog Chill Day # 20
Blog Chill Day # 19
Why Waste 30 Minutes ……
1. Watching TV 2. Watching TV 3. Watching TV – Do you see a theme? Watching TV is a good way just to unwind & not have to think. BUT, it can soak up A LOT of our idle time! 4. Playing video games – Yes, adults play video games, games on Facebook, games on our phones,Continue reading “Why Waste 30 Minutes ……”
Blog Chill Day # 18
Take 30 minutes to ….
Clean out your underwear drawer or a junk drawer in the kitchen Go through a stack of old CDs Sort through a bag of old clothes Organize the cabinet under your bathroom sink Clean out the interior or trunk of your car Take a Power Nap! Read your child a book or two Play aContinue reading “Take 30 minutes to ….”
Blog Chill Day # 17
Happy Friday! My daughter left me a stack of old pictures on the ledge in the hall for me to peruse through this morning. For some reason, I started to cry, BECAUSE it was so overwhelming to see just how GOOD our life has really been. THUS … And neither should you! To AllContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 17”
Blog Chill Day # 16
Sshhh … Listen!