If this is you??? …. Then Call OYS-SP8-2014 Order Your Steps – SP8 (Sp-eight) – 2014 (just trying to be catchy??)No REALLY!! >>>>>>>> Call Me, 301-437-4610….. Quick!
Category Archives: Uncategorized
OYS on the Road in 2014!
Order Your Steps (OYS) had its first excursion for the year 2014. I’ve been very excited about presenting “Organizing for the New Year” to the Sisters Network of Prince George’s County. I met their president, Madeline Long-Gill last year at a community event in Forestville and I have looked forward to this workshop ever since.Continue reading “OYS on the Road in 2014!”
Blog Chill Day # 2
Order Your Steps (OYS) is hitting the road again. We have been given an AWESOME opportunity to speak to the Sisters Network of Prince George’s County on tomorrow (Saturday). The Sisters Network is a support group for breast cancer survivors. My topic will be “Organizing for the New Year!” I hope to have pictures forContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 2”
Blog Chill Day #1
January is GO “Get Organized” Month! Come on… Let’s Get Started! January is almost half over…
What is My System?
In most cases, a business coach, productivity specialist, efficiency expert, etc. will tell us that we have to know our work process, it has to be documented and we need to review it periodically. I know this better than most, but it just seems that since I started Order Your Steps, I have not beenContinue reading “What is My System?”
Blog Chill Day # 50
Ramblings on What’s ahead for Me in 2014…
First, I must say that it’s amazing to look at your life through the eyes of God’s Grace… for the last 3 years or more, I have entered a new year with much anticipation and I have looked at the year that I have left behind, with a sense of calm & peace. Now don’tContinue reading “Ramblings on What’s ahead for Me in 2014…”
A Year of an Over-Abundance!
Blog Chill Day # 49
Related articles http://gracefallsdownlikerain.blogspot.com/2012/10/faith.html ** Day 24. Do you have Faith? (amekay27.wordpress.com) Walk of Faith (whispersofreflections.wordpress.com) What Faith Is? (estherikuesan.wordpress.com) Past the Present (johnnoble1.wordpress.com)
Now we gotta have Faith!!
I re-read the story of Mary and it really doesn’t say that she endured a lot of trouble, but we can just surmise. An angel came to Joseph to explain that his wife had not betrayed him. Thank the Lord! But, what’s interesting is that Mary accepted her assignment, although she didn’t totally understand itContinue reading “Now we gotta have Faith!!”