A Totally Random Rant on Religion (Not a Bashing!) – Part 2

I am glad that I prepared you all for a Part 2 for the blog post on yesterday, because I am sure you all are wondering, “How was that a rant on religion????”   As a side note, let me mention that it was very interesting to see the related articles which expressed major concerns withContinue reading “A Totally Random Rant on Religion (Not a Bashing!) – Part 2”

A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)

I will try not to make this post too long.  But I have so much in my head right now that I may have to make this a two-part post. There are a few things that I need to mention before I get into the meat of my message… First, I will reemphasize that this is NOTContinue reading “A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)”

Listen for His Voice ….

There is so much that I want to tell you about the Spiritual Wake-Up Call that I experienced today, but I will try not to ramble too much… Let me try to give you a little background.  Last year this time, almost to the day, I wrote a post about my son (please take a moment toContinue reading “Listen for His Voice ….”

Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2

I would like to go back to Blog Chill Day # 13 for a moment.  The message in that blog post was that we can ONLY work on ourselves, we can not change the world, well you know what I mean… Many times when are lives are out of order, when things around us are inContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2”