So what is the answer to the question, What does an organized life look like? Based on the comments I received, there are two major components: 1. Stuff, clutter, items, boxes, etc. 2. Thoughts & emotions. Life is not meant to be too organized, we don’t want to live in a rut, however, weContinue reading “The Answer Is….”
Tag Archives: Clutter
What to do with the “Secret” Closet?
Or Not??…. Your secret closet may not be so secret! 🙂 This month, we are going to “Declare Our Independence” from Clutter!! So, Where to we start?? Sort & Purge Organize! Please Stay Tuned for the next episode of “My Son has Reappeared”… I believe that I have had ANOTHER Revelation????? Related articles SolvingContinue reading “What to do with the “Secret” Closet?”
Is the Junk in your car Junk?
I read a very interesting article and I attempted to send it to all of my blog followers. But since I am still somewhat technically-challenged, I am not sure what happened to it (so please let me know if you got it and I apologize if this is a duplicate). The junk inside your carContinue reading “Is the Junk in your car Junk?”
“Junk in the Trunk” (of your car!)
First, I must let you know, as I also told my Facebook fans, I made the mistake of Googling “Junk in the Trunk”. There are obviously different meaning for that term. By the way, I really need to know how the filter out the sexually explicit images from Google Search. Parents, if you haven’t already,Continue reading ““Junk in the Trunk” (of your car!)”
Congratulations on 3 Whole Months!!
While I was running my “Name the Phase” contest, My blog and I celebrated Our 3rd Anniversary!!! A LOT has happened over the past three (3) months. It really doesn’t seem like it has been 3 months. So let’s go back a little further and recap what has happened…. I wrote down my dream forContinue reading “Congratulations on 3 Whole Months!!”
“Blog Chill Day 3!”
********************************************************* Happy Friday! I am a little behind on my posts, but I will try to make it up to you next week… Are you thinking of a name for Phase 1 of Organizing? “Taking the Plunge!” “One Step at a Time!” “Jump & Shout!” “Toss & Turn!” Be Creative & Let’s have Fun withContinue reading ““Blog Chill Day 3!””