And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Now that I have put aside my Pride (which should not have been a factor from the start), I realize that there is always a lesson to beContinue reading “Back-up and Re-group…”
Tag Archives: God
“Blog Chill Day 32”
I thought that I would give you a head-start on the weekend… Happy Friday! Have a Blessed Weekend!! P.S. I am still looking for topics on organizing for future posts. I would love to have pictures of your space. You can send them to my email,, if you prefer. Thanks in advance!
A year and almost a month has passed…
On September 13, 2011, Order Your Steps became a reality. It has truly been an interesting ride since last Sept. I haven’t made a lot of money :-(… But it hasn’t been about money yet. My Xerox checks didn’t stop until mid-August and my pension checks started in mid-Sept. So we are still eating andContinue reading “A year and almost a month has passed…”
What is Peace?
Yesterday was an emotionally draining day for me. I hadn’t had a day like that in a long time. It started with a conversation with my husband about my son that I’d wish that we’d never had. In spite of what’s been going on regarding my son, life has been really good and GodContinue reading “What is Peace?”
August is a Month of Change
August is the 8th month and in biblical terms, the number 8 means “new beginnings”, in the year 2012, the Year of Order. August has always been a month of significant events for me. August 4th was the 14th anniversary of the death of my father, which is usually just a passing thought. For someContinue reading “August is a Month of Change”
So Now What?
My son comes to church now every Sunday….. and yes, that should be a good thing. But, his presence seems to aggravate me to no end (since we are still not speaking) and he knows it. Many have said to just ignore him, but it is like waiting for a child not my son to stopContinue reading “So Now What?”
“Blog Chill Day 9”
Don’t forget to read the fine print!
FEED Your Spirit for TEN Minutes Every Day!
F Focus on Your Breathing for ONE Minute E Enlighten Your Heart for TWO Minutes E Elevate Your Mind for THREE Minutes D De-Stress for FOUR Minutes Y O U R S P I R I T!
FEED Your Spirit for THREE Minutes
TODAY… ELEVATE Your Mind For Three Minutes, FOCUS on those Things that will take you … Beyond where you are Today!
The Recovery
I survived what I considered a Major setback when we failed the certification, but in the early ‘90’s, I did become a manager once again. God had to get me ready and now was my time. I was no longer “defensive” (for the most part). I remember being in a staff meeting and I was given,Continue reading “The Recovery”