Let’s Tackle the Closet!

If you have been paying attention, you know that to be “organized” means to be able to find what you need when you need it!  So let’s talk about tackling the closet.  It can be any closet, but I’d like to focus on the clothes closet.  It is the clothes closet that you have toContinue reading “Let’s Tackle the Closet!”

“Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**

I thought that I would give you an update on my FREE “Order Out of Chaos” Workshops.  Initially I focused on the senior citizen living facilities.  The participants were open to sharing their own struggles with getting organized, especially after downsizing from their much larger homes.  My presentation, “Organizing made Simple” was only 30 minutesContinue reading ““Order Out of Chaos” FREE Workshop, Now Open to the Public**”

I am honored once again…

I am always very honored when I am nominated for a blogger award.  I believe that it speaks very highly of your blog when a fellow blogger takes the time to recognize your blog to other people.  I think that it is also a great opportunity to bring light to other blogs that you followContinue reading “I am honored once again…”

I don’t have time!!!!

Have you ever been in the position, where you see  something SO clearly, but very few, if anyone see things the same way you do?? As a professional organizer, I see that people really need my help.  I know in my heart that clutter creates chaos and chaos disturbs the divine order that life shouldContinue reading “I don’t have time!!!!”