OK, now I am really speechless… It doesn’t get any better than this! My friend, Sheri, over at The Other Side of Ugly, The reality of humanity as seen through the eyes of an angel, which says it all, has nominated me for the “Blog of the Year 2012” Award. This is truly a tremendousContinue reading ““Blog of the Year 2012” Award”
Tag Archives: Life
“Blog Chill Day 39”
You are Blessed & Highly Favored!!!!
I hope you all are having a Blessed Week! It is been awhile since I have received a blog reward… but Thanks to my Friend, Sherryl at New Visions, who took the time to make me smile by nominating my blog for the REALITY Blog Award! It came at a time when I really need a boostContinue reading “REALITY Award”
“Blog Chill Day 38”
“Blog Chill Day 37”
Let’s Organize for Thanksgiving!
I thought that I would post early for next week, because someone out there may need some help getting ready for “Turkey Day”! So let me begin by asking a few questions: Do you have a plan for Thanksgiving dinner? Or are you going to wing it? Who’s coming to dinner? What is the menu?Continue reading “Let’s Organize for Thanksgiving!”
“Blog Chill Day 36”
Enjoy your Weekend!!
Back-up and Re-group…
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Now that I have put aside my Pride (which should not have been a factor from the start), I realize that there is always a lesson to beContinue reading “Back-up and Re-group…”
“Blog Chill Day 35”
First I want to apologize for not posting this week. A lot of great and interesting things happening. Today’s inspirational quote is from me, to me…. NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO MAKE YOU DOUBT YOUR ABILITIES, BUT BY THE SAME TOKEN, KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS!!! I am more than capable! Have Faith in Yourself! I mustContinue reading ““Blog Chill Day 35””