We are going to see Baby Girl at WSSU in NC on Friday. Please pray for our traveling grace…. Have a Blessed Weekend!
Tag Archives: Life
Space for the Car!
When I am cleaning and organizing a garage, my main objective is to sort, purge and to help the homeowner to know what they have and where to find it when they need it. BUT… ************* Unfortunately, your “neat” may be the other persons’ “nightmare”…. So, the idea behind this exercise was to simply makeContinue reading “Space for the Car!”
“Blog Chill Day 28”
my baby makes a quantum leap….
…. into adulthood. My youngest child turned 20 last month and she has not looked back . She is moving full speed ahead for what God had ordained for the next phase of her life. In reality, for the past couple of years, as we have discussed different matters of the family, she has shownContinue reading “my baby makes a quantum leap….”
Organizing Tip for Today!
We are going to stay in the garage for a minute, because we want to make space for that “little” car. 🙂 I would really suggest that we tackle our garage a little bit at a time. As you see in the picture below, I took a shelf and tried to make some spaceContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
“Blog Chill Day 27”
“Blog Chill Day 26”
What is Peace?
Yesterday was an emotionally draining day for me. I hadn’t had a day like that in a long time. It started with a conversation with my husband about my son that I’d wish that we’d never had. In spite of what’s been going on regarding my son, life has been really good and GodContinue reading “What is Peace?”
“Blog Chill Day 25”
Welcome to the Weekend! …. Have a Blessed One! Please “LIKE” us on Facebook!