Organizing Tip for Today!

Another aspect of personal organizing is “Time Management”…  No, I can’t give you more hours in the day, nor can I make the work go away… But by modifying your work process, re-organizing your office or workspace, may allow you to be more effective and less stressed! … You may be surprised to find thatContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”

Organizing Tip for Today!

You will find that my thoughts and organizing ideas that we will share, apply to every job or activity.  There are always People, Paper (hard-copy & especially electronic), and Things that interfere with what we have to get done.  There is definitely a connection between STRESS and the Mess (physical & spiritual)!!! For more organizingContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”

August is a Month of Change

August is the 8th month and  in biblical terms, the number 8 means “new beginnings”, in the year 2012, the Year of Order. August has always been a month of significant events for me.  August 4th was the 14th anniversary of the death of my father, which is usually just a passing thought.  For someContinue reading “August is a Month of Change”

Organizing Tip for Today!

It is always a good idea to sort your mail when you take it out of the mailbox. Throw the junk mail away first, but don’t forget to have a shred-only pile for all of those credit card offers…. Have a place designated to put mail that needs your attention and/or additional action is required. PleaseContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”

The Answer Is….

So what is the answer to the question, What does an organized life look like?   Based on the comments I received, there are two major components: 1. Stuff, clutter, items, boxes, etc. 2. Thoughts & emotions. Life is not meant to be too organized, we don’t want to live in a rut, however, weContinue reading “The Answer Is….”