What would an “Organized” Life look like to you?

It’s Sunday afternoon and I was really stuck for a topic for tomorrow. I asked my husband for some help, hoping that he would spark an idea for me and he did.  He said that “there are many people that really just need some order in their life”.  So what does that really mean? WhatContinue reading “What would an “Organized” Life look like to you?”

“Blog Chill Day 18”

Today is our day of Victory!  But when in battle,  send Judah first! ******************** Praise the Lord for what He has already done! **************** Psalm 150 New King James Version (NKJV) Let All Things Praise the Lord  Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty firmament! 2 Praise Him for His mighty acts;Continue reading ““Blog Chill Day 18””

What to do with the “Secret” Closet?

Or Not??…. Your secret closet may not be so secret!  🙂 This month, we are going to “Declare Our Independence” from Clutter!! So, Where to we start?? Sort & Purge Organize! Please Stay Tuned for the next episode of “My Son has Reappeared”…   I believe that I have had ANOTHER Revelation????? Related articles SolvingContinue reading “What to do with the “Secret” Closet?”

Are you REALLY organized?

Do you have a secret closet?  I can not stress enough that being organized, does NOT mean that your house is so neat, that you can’t live in it.  Have you ever been in someone’s house that was soooooo clean that you didn’t want to sit down???  You were even afraid to breathe, cause yourContinue reading “Are you REALLY organized?”

Did you clean out the garage?

I must start by letting you all know how grateful I am for my now OVER 300 followers.  Half of my followers are my wonderful fellow blogger friends out there and the other half are my Order Your Steps Facebook Fans (please click link to “LIKE”).  I never imagined how great the response would be toContinue reading “Did you clean out the garage?”