What does 2014 hold for you?

… I pray for more Order in your life in 2014!  The biblical meaning of the number 14 is double completion (2 X 7) or double spiritual perfection.  So what are you doing to prepare for 2014?  Are there goals and objectives that you really want to accomplish?  -OR- Are you simply going to goContinue reading “What does 2014 hold for you?”

A Totally Random Rant on Religion (Not a Bashing!) – Part 2

I am glad that I prepared you all for a Part 2 for the blog post on yesterday, because I am sure you all are wondering, “How was that a rant on religion????”   As a side note, let me mention that it was very interesting to see the related articles which expressed major concerns withContinue reading “A Totally Random Rant on Religion (Not a Bashing!) – Part 2”

A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)

I will try not to make this post too long.  But I have so much in my head right now that I may have to make this a two-part post. There are a few things that I need to mention before I get into the meat of my message… First, I will reemphasize that this is NOTContinue reading “A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)”

A Testimony…

Today, I want to share with you a testimony from one of the Dear persons that I have been privileged to minister to.  It is somewhat difficult for me to put into words what I believe is the True Purpose of Order Your Steps.  So, I asked Sandra to send me a testimony of herContinue reading “A Testimony…”

So What are You doing Today?

Yesterday was an Official day to give THANKS to GOD for ALL things and to Celebrate Family!   I am sure that we all agree that we MUST give thanks to God EVERY day….  We celebrated with our immediate family (minus son) and a friend this year.  There was an atmosphere of Love and laughter, PeacefulnessContinue reading “So What are You doing Today?”

Back from St. Louis and 2014… Here we come!

Well, my husband and I got home last Monday from St. Louis.  Our trip to St. Louis was great!  I should have told you that we were there for our church convention, although I thought that we would get in a little sightseeing.  The week was packed with almost 24 hours of church services.  ItContinue reading “Back from St. Louis and 2014… Here we come!”