I have a small prayer circle and we pray every Tuesday night. We try to bring forth those things that the Holy Spirit has laid on our heart. So one of our major topics recently has been “Don’t be discouraged!”, Don’t be distracted!” It is amazing how the smallest or even big things will catchContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 15”
Tag Archives: Lord
Blog Chill Day # 14
Are you waiting on your Blessing? Please understand that God has to prepare you for it… So Get Ready!! Have an AWESOME week and Wait in Anticipation!!!
My Life is Amazing and In Order, but NOT perfect!
ALERT! This is going to be a post of RAMBLINGS!!!! I often struggle to decide on what to share with my followers, which totals over 800, including my FB friends… THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for taking the time to stop by from time to time! I have also discovered that I get a better response toContinue reading “My Life is Amazing and In Order, but NOT perfect!”
Now we gotta have Faith!!
I re-read the story of Mary and it really doesn’t say that she endured a lot of trouble, but we can just surmise. An angel came to Joseph to explain that his wife had not betrayed him. Thank the Lord! But, what’s interesting is that Mary accepted her assignment, although she didn’t totally understand itContinue reading “Now we gotta have Faith!!”
A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)
I will try not to make this post too long. But I have so much in my head right now that I may have to make this a two-part post. There are a few things that I need to mention before I get into the meat of my message… First, I will reemphasize that this is NOTContinue reading “A Totally Random Rant on Religion (NOT a Bashing!)”
A Testimony…
Today, I want to share with you a testimony from one of the Dear persons that I have been privileged to minister to. It is somewhat difficult for me to put into words what I believe is the True Purpose of Order Your Steps. So, I asked Sandra to send me a testimony of herContinue reading “A Testimony…”
Blog Chill Day # 44
Order Your Steps – First Year(s) in Review
As promised, I wanted to share my own Order Your Steps (OYS), First year(s) in Review! It has a very AWESOME, yet interesting 2 years. I officially started the business in Sept. 2011 and was able to work at it full time, starting in January, 2012. Here are a few highlights: Initially, I worked asContinue reading “Order Your Steps – First Year(s) in Review”
Blog Chill Day # 41
Do you believe in Miracles? Please share your miracle, there may be someone out there that just don’t believe in Miracles… My Miracle Related articles I Am a Miracle!!! (naikeybe.wordpress.com) Miracles confirm our faith in God (anedutoit.wordpress.com)