Listen for His Voice ….

There is so much that I want to tell you about the Spiritual Wake-Up Call that I experienced today, but I will try not to ramble too much… Let me try to give you a little background.  Last year this time, almost to the day, I wrote a post about my son (please take a moment toContinue reading “Listen for His Voice ….”

#14 = Spiritual Perfection

In my last post, I found it very interesting that I purposely listed 14 activities that may be considered opportunities in our lives, especially if we are disorganized.  So why / how did I connect these opportunities to “Spiritual Perfection”?  I must admit that for several moments, I wondered the same thing??  However, these  14 activities are timeContinue reading “#14 = Spiritual Perfection”

Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2

I would like to go back to Blog Chill Day # 13 for a moment.  The message in that blog post was that we can ONLY work on ourselves, we can not change the world, well you know what I mean… Many times when are lives are out of order, when things around us are inContinue reading “Blog Chill Day # 13 – Part 2”

A Few Ramblings that you may want to Ponder…

On January 10, my blog will celebrate its’ one year anniversary.  As I look back over the more than 145 posts, I am pondering about what direction the blog should take in 2013.  I have found that there has been a much greater response to posts that have talked about ORDER or Inspiration, versus Organizing.Continue reading “A Few Ramblings that you may want to Ponder…”

Financial Planning

Or Lack Thereof….  I thought that I should add just a few thoughts with regards to “The Dream”.    My reality is that I did not properly plan financially for my retirement.  I understand that if you are my age, we need “MILLIONS” of dollars saved in order to live comfortably when we retire.  In myContinue reading “Financial Planning”

“Organizing” – My Dream

Let me take you back a few years…. The job, as field manager, was becoming more and more stressful, in spite of my attempts to maintain my order!  What appeared to be the phenonmenon of “change for the sake of change”, was simply overwhelming.  I had been a  field manager for almost 15 years and I really couldn’t see spendingContinue reading ““Organizing” – My Dream”

The Connection

Within two years, I was a manager.  I discovered that people don’t always do what they are supposed to do.  Two years later, I wasn’t a manager.  My manager’s manager called me in the office and yes, I knew immediately that there was a problem.  Apparently, 2nd level management felt that I was “too defensive”,Continue reading “The Connection”