OYS on the Road in 2014!

Order Your Steps (OYS) had its first excursion for the year 2014.  I’ve been very excited about presenting “Organizing for the New Year” to the Sisters Network of Prince George’s County.  I met their president, Madeline Long-Gill last year at a community event in Forestville and I have looked forward to this workshop ever since.Continue reading “OYS on the Road in 2014!”

Now we gotta have Faith!!

I re-read the story of Mary and it really doesn’t say that she endured a lot of trouble, but we can just surmise.  An angel came to Joseph to explain that his wife had not betrayed him. Thank the Lord!  But, what’s interesting is that Mary accepted her assignment, although she didn’t totally understand itContinue reading “Now we gotta have Faith!!”


What is trouble?  By definition, trouble is a state of distress (to cause strain, anxiety, or suffering to), affliction, difficulty, or need; a distressing or difficult circumstance or situation.  So, what was your last bout with trouble?  The first thing that comes to my mind is, financial trouble… not having quite enough to make ends meet.  What troubleContinue reading “T.R.O.U.B.L.E.”

A Few Ramblings that you may want to Ponder…

On January 10, my blog will celebrate its’ one year anniversary.  As I look back over the more than 145 posts, I am pondering about what direction the blog should take in 2013.  I have found that there has been a much greater response to posts that have talked about ORDER or Inspiration, versus Organizing.Continue reading “A Few Ramblings that you may want to Ponder…”

Planning for 2013

It is during this time of year, if not sooner, that I start to think a lot about the new year that is quickly approaching.  It is the time that I not only look forward to what’s coming, but I reflect on the year that has passed. It is interesting that when December comes, itContinue reading “Planning for 2013”