“Junk in the Trunk” (of your car!)

First, I must let you know, as I also told my Facebook fans, I made the mistake of Googling “Junk in the Trunk”.  There are obviously different meaning for that term.  By the way, I really need to know how the filter out the sexually explicit images from Google Search.  Parents, if you haven’t already,Continue reading ““Junk in the Trunk” (of your car!)”

“Diving Right In” – Phase II (Test the System)

I decided to back-up and re-group and NOT try to name all the phases of organizing.  I will stick with the name that works, “Dive Right In” and not make the process too complicated (no more contests for a while :-()… although I may try to stay with a water theme. I started small withContinue reading ““Diving Right In” – Phase II (Test the System)”