Hello Everyone, Welcome to another Blessed week! Just wanted to let you all know that my second workshop for Seniors was even more fun than the first. There seemed to be even more participation and sharing… A Special Thanks to Brenda, Activities Coordinator at The Lodge, she said, “Your common sense approach to handling disorder wasContinue reading “2nd “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop, Another Success!”
Tag Archives: Personal Organizing
“Order Out of Chaos” …Success!!
Well, my first “Order Out of Chaos” workshop was a blast! (click on the picture to make it larger) Thanks to All the Wonderful Seniors at The Vistas at Lake Largo! For more photos at Order Your Steps…
“Order Out of Chaos” Workshop
Sorry for the lateness of my post, but I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that tomorrow I will be conducting my first “Order Out of Chaos” Workshop for Seniors. I will be posting a recap with pictures on Wednesday. I am expecting a phenomenon turnout… Pray for me!! Related articlesContinue reading ““Order Out of Chaos” Workshop”
Space for the Car!
When I am cleaning and organizing a garage, my main objective is to sort, purge and to help the homeowner to know what they have and where to find it when they need it. BUT… ************* Unfortunately, your “neat” may be the other persons’ “nightmare”…. So, the idea behind this exercise was to simply makeContinue reading “Space for the Car!”
Organizing Tip for Today!
We are going to stay in the garage for a minute, because we want to make space for that “little” car. 🙂 I would really suggest that we tackle our garage a little bit at a time. As you see in the picture below, I took a shelf and tried to make some spaceContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
Organizing Tip for Today!
Many of us moved into our once “new” homes, because we needed MORE space. Interestingly enough, when we moved our “stuff” in… the space seemed to shrink. But, finally, we have a garage for our CAR??… NOT! Unfortunately, the garage has become the storage bin that we thought we left behind. A garage doesContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
“Blog Chill Day 25”
Welcome to the Weekend! …. Have a Blessed One! Please “LIKE” us on Facebook!
Organizing Tip for Today!
Happy Monday! So sorry for the lateness of my post… I anticipate my work schedule becoming a little busier. I have added “Designer” for ShelfGenie Glide-out shelving to my portfolio, so I am scheduling appointments for that as well. Busy is a very good thing for someone with a new business… Now, for the important stuff!Continue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
Organizing Tip for Today!
Another aspect of personal organizing is “Time Management”… No, I can’t give you more hours in the day, nor can I make the work go away… But by modifying your work process, re-organizing your office or workspace, may allow you to be more effective and less stressed! … You may be surprised to find thatContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
August is a Month of Change
August is the 8th month and in biblical terms, the number 8 means “new beginnings”, in the year 2012, the Year of Order. August has always been a month of significant events for me. August 4th was the 14th anniversary of the death of my father, which is usually just a passing thought. For someContinue reading “August is a Month of Change”