It is always a good idea to sort your mail when you take it out of the mailbox. Throw the junk mail away first, but don’t forget to have a shred-only pile for all of those credit card offers…. Have a place designated to put mail that needs your attention and/or additional action is required. PleaseContinue reading “Organizing Tip for Today!”
Tag Archives: Personal Organizing
What would an “Organized” Life look like to you?
It’s Sunday afternoon and I was really stuck for a topic for tomorrow. I asked my husband for some help, hoping that he would spark an idea for me and he did. He said that “there are many people that really just need some order in their life”. So what does that really mean? WhatContinue reading “What would an “Organized” Life look like to you?”
“Organizing” – My Dream
Let me take you back a few years…. The job, as field manager, was becoming more and more stressful, in spite of my attempts to maintain my order! What appeared to be the phenonmenon of “change for the sake of change”, was simply overwhelming. I had been a field manager for almost 15 years and I really couldn’t see spendingContinue reading ““Organizing” – My Dream”